Thursday, May 8, 2008

Addie is 8 Months Old!

Everyone told me when I was pregnant that there is nothing like having a child. Of course, I knew I would agree with them when Addie was born. But boy, I really had NO idea how much I would love this child. She makes life so exciting for us. If Rod isn't home before I put her to bed, he begs me to go get her from her crib. She is the happiest baby, and every stage of development is so fun! God has blessed our family beyond measure with her!

This isn't the best picture because of her eyes, but if you look closely I think you can see her teeth in it!

Yes, she is sitting in a baby pool with no water. I have found that it is great for her. If she accidentally falls over, this pool is perfect to soften the fall.

She loves tags on anything. You can give her the neatest toy, and she will immediately look for the tag. And of course, everything is still going straight into her mouth.

Happy Girl!

This look is after several minutes of me doing whatever I can to capture her attention and possibly get a smile long enough to then get the picture. I think she is wondering what in the world I am doing. She may possibly think I'm a little crazy. Rod has told me several times that he should be videoing me while I am trying to make her smile because that is something she could really appreciate watching later in life....ha ha.


Tara said...

She is absolutely goregeous!!!

LeeAnn said...

Suz! She´s getting so big- I think i write this every posting....