Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A Great Visit With Aunt Lee Ann!!

Boy have we been spoiled! The past 2 weeks have been so much fun! Aunt Lee Ann and Ricardo have been visiting with us. Ricardo was able to stay for a week before returning to Spain. Addie loved getting to meet him! Aunt Lee Ann got to stay for two weeks, and we are so sad that she had to leave. Addie really wishes she lived closer so they could see each other more. Aunt Lee Ann- we miss you lots and are so thankful you got to visit. Now we are on a countdown to your Christmas trip!UT vs. Auburn Game

Watching the game with Babaw

I love to show you my tongue!

Addie at the park-Sitting on the blanket Aunt Lee Ann made for her. What a precious gift!

Addie loved watching Grammie blowing bubbles.

Being silly with Aunt Lee Ann

UT vs. Florida Game

Addie, What do you do when Tennessee scores a touchdown??? It is so funny to watch her throw her hands up in the air when you say the word touchdown. Quick story- The other day I said to Rod, "Please don't let her touch that." All of a sudden, Addie threw her hands up in the air...we got so tickled that she heard the word touch and responded so quickly. It is amazing at what babies pick up on!

Addie is showing us how old she is....not telling us what ranking Tennessee is...ha ha.

Addie with Lee Ann and Ricardo. Addie is wearing one of the dresses they got her while they were in Asia. This dress is from Japan. Isn't it beautiful!

Swinging at the park with Aunt Lee Ann

Addie with Aunt Lee Ann and Ricardo

Swinging with the gang.

Addie did lots of walking down by the lake.

What am I going to do next week when Aunt Lee Ann is gone????



LeeAnn said...

oh my- i´m going to cry. really... i should have waited to check this at home. Miss you guys! but see you soon!

Tara said...

Awww, good times!